
Ferrara – BeniCulturaliOnline, a leading media outlet in the cultural heritage sector, is pleased to announce its participation as a Media Partner at RESTAURO – International Exhibition in Ferrara, scheduled from May 15 to 17, 2024.

Since 1991, RESTAURO has become the most significant event in the international trade fair landscape dedicated to the economy, conservation, technologies, and enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage. It is an important meeting point for companies, institutions, research and development contributing to the protection of history and the enhancement of tangible culture.

The event is crucial for the exchange and growth of a sector fundamental for the economic and cultural development of Italy and internationally. During the three days of the event in Ferrara, there are exhibitions, conferences, round tables, events, training courses, and working meetings, where the sector of cultural and environmental heritage gathers to discuss, share, and deepen the most important restoration and requalification interventions of cultural and environmental heritage.

RESTAURO represents the international reference point for companies, public institutions, research centers, associations, innovative start-ups, and professionals in the sector. Furthermore, it offers an opportunity to confirm the importance of the cultural sector, which is the beating heart of Italy, capable not only of relaunching the foundations of the Italian economy but also shaping our future.

The exhibition center in Ferrara is ready to host three intense days of the event, with further collaborations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the ICE Agency, which will bring delegations from 16 countries.

In this edition, BeniCulturaliOnline will present, its new innovative platform that uses gamification to encourage and raise awareness for the protection of cultural heritage worldwide.

Do you want to learn more about CHO before the event?

Read our detailed article.

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