Thailand, officially known as “Prathet Thai” and historically called “Siam,” has undergone significant political, social, and economic changes throughout its history. In the past century and the current one, the country has transitioned from a predominantly agricultural society to one of the most dynamic economies in Southeast Asia.

A Secular Modernization

At the beginning of the 20th century, Thailand began establishing relations with Western countries, initiating a modernization process. The real change occurred in the 1960s and 1970s when the country embraced industrialization and international trade. Despite political instability challenges, Thailand experienced rapid urbanization and the adoption of new technologies, fueling significant growth in the entrepreneurial and tech startup sectors. This development led to advanced solutions in agriculture, industry, and services.

Post-COVID Innovation

Tourism has long been one of the driving sectors of Thailand’s economy. However, the COVID-19 emergency pushed the government to focus more on innovation and startups to ensure future socio-economic growth. Despite these efforts, Thailand has yet to reach the level of focus and determination of countries like Singapore and Malaysia. One of the main challenges is the lack of integration between local and foreign talents. The government is trying to address this issue through special visas, such as Elite Visas for business and Smart Visas for foreigners starting tech startups.

Noteworthy Events

Southeast Asia Blockchain Week: A Key Event for Web3 Technology

The Southeast Asia Blockchain Week is an annual flagship conference dedicated to exploring the evolving landscape of Web3 technology in one of the world’s most dynamic and rapidly growing regions.

Event Details

Main Conference | April 24-25, 2024

This two-day event brings together key players in the Web3 sector, including investors, developers, entrepreneurs, and companies, to discuss advanced topics related to blockchain, DeFi, gaming, NFTs, and regulations.

Networking Opportunities

Meet High-Level Entrepreneurs and Innovators

The conference offers a unique showcase for Web3 in Southeast Asia, providing the opportunity to meet high-level entrepreneurs, developers, and innovators to create synergies and explore business opportunities.

Valuable Content

Insights and Trends

Industry leaders will present and discuss various ideas and topics, including blockchain infrastructure, finance, gaming, and artificial intelligence, keeping participants updated on the latest developments.

Government and Corporate Ecosystem

Explore Web3 Technology Adoption

The event offers an overview of the latest trends in Web3 technology adoption, both at the public policy and corporate levels, discussing strategies to engage millions of people and areas needing improvement.

In summary, the Southeast Asia Blockchain Week is a must-attend event for those interested in the future of Web3, offering a platform to discuss innovations, create connections, and explore new opportunities in the sector.

Chainlink Thailand – BUILD Thailand on My Mind: A Blockchain Innovation Event

The “Chainlink Thailand – BUILD Thailand on My Mind” event represents a significant opportunity to delve into the most advanced topics in blockchain technology. Organized in collaboration with Chainlink, MIND Network, and ContributionDAO, this event will focus on topics such as the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP), the Chainlink BUILD program, and the latest developments in blockchain privacy and security.

Guest Speakers

Leon Li, Head of Business Development APAC, MIND NetworkSitthavee Teerakulchon, Chainlink Community Advocate

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